History of Educare
Educare follows the Montessori method of Education which bears the name of Dr. Maria Montessori in respect for the personality and the unique life task of the child. As God has warned us “ Unless you convert yourselves and become like little children, you will not enter into the kingdom of heaven”. The Montessore method of Education is one of the means and a very fundamental one. Which the monument offers to translate this respect into a concrete and precise aid to development. It is during the earliest years of life from birth to about six years of age, the the foundation of personality is laid.
The great work done by Dr. maria Montessori which on a solid scientific foundatiion and an educational experience of all races, creeds and social conditions has penetrated through and with the child into psychology and sociology should be recognized as a substantial contribution towrds this aim.
The child can truly be helper rather than helped and give even better significance to the expression that “We have each of us been a child. From the child has become our personality and our humanity. In the long history of the child from birth to the adult state he has had a hard work to do. The child is the contructor of every one of us.
We have the idea that education can help the development of the child and that we adult people will give this help. That is the ordinary idea of education. It concludes that the adult can help this little child very much with his own wisdom and care. The idea of education is to give to the child and to young people all the best we have.